Write For Us

Where do you see good in the world? How can our readers make a difference? How do we move towards a kinder, more joyful, more gentle world? We want to hear your ideas!

Take a look at our blog, omworthy.org, and familiarize yourself with the tone, content, and spirit of our articles. If you feel your story fits, we’d love to read it! All and any topics related to service, spirituality, happiness, health, community, and relationships are welcome!

Submit your original article of 600-800 words to omworthyus@gmail.com. Include the title of your piece in the subject line, and the body of it within the email itself. Don’t forget to include any open-source images you’d like us to use! Finish off with a bio of 120 characters or less, and if you want, you can even include a headshot.

Once we hear from you, we’ll reach out within 7-14 days.

Change the world with us, one step at a time!

With love,
The Omworthy Team